国家自然基金 2015.01-2017.12 神经元集群间零延迟同步形成、演化机制的研究
陕西省自然基金 2016.01-2017.12 自突触活动对神经元响应动力学的影响
国家自然基金 2016.08-2020.12 小尺寸系统自组织临界态的特性研究(参与)
国家自然基金 2016.08-2020.12 分段光滑不连续映象及其耦合系统中的动力学新特征(参与)
国家自然基金 2015.12-2016.12 bat365在线中国官网登录入口“理论物理学术交流和人才培养平台建设项目”(参与)
1. Hengtong Wang, Longfei Wang, Lianchun Yu and Yong Chen. Response of Morris-Lecar neurons to various stimuli, 2011, Phys. Rev. E 83 (2): 021915.
2. Hengtong Wang, Yueling Chen, and Yong Chen, First-spike latency of three classes of neurons. 2013, J. Theor. Biol. 328, 19-25.
3. Hengtong Wang, Jun Ma, Yueling Chen and Yong Chen, Autapse affect Firing Patterns Transition in Bursting Neuron. Commun. 2014, Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 19 (9), 3242-3254. (二区 Top类)
4. Hengtong Wang, Yongjuan Sun, Yichen Li, and Yong Chen, Influence of autaptic self-feedback on mode-locking structure of a Hodgkin-Huxley neuron under sinusoidal stimulus. 2014, J. Theor. Biol. 358 (5), 25-30 .
5. Hengtong Wang, Longfei Wang, Yueling Chen, Yong Chen, Effect of autaptic activity on the response of a Hodgkin-Huxley neuron. 2014, Chaos, 24 (3): 033122
6. Hengtong Wang, Yong Chen, Firing dynamics of an autaptic neuron. 2015, Chin. Phys. B 24 (12) , 128709.
7. Hengtong Wang, Yong Chen. Response of autaptic Hodgkin–Huxley neuron with noise to subthreshold sinusoidal signals. 2016, Physica A 462 , 321–329.
8. Hengtong Wang* and Yong Chen. Spatiotemporal activities of neural network exposed to external electric fields. 2016, Nonlinear Dyn. 85(2), 881-891. (二区)
9. Yan Chen, Hengtong Wang, and Yong Chen. Band structure and tunneling dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates in Fourier-10 Synthesized optical lattices. 2010, Journal of Physics B 43, 225303.
10. Yueling Chen, Hui Zhang, Hengtong Wang, Lianchun Yu, and Yong Chen, The Role of Coincidence-Detector Neuron in Reliability and Precision of Subthre-shold Signal Detection in Noise, 2013, PLoS ONE 8 (2), e56822.
11. Yong Chen, Hengtong Wang, Jiangang Zhang, Ke Chen and Yumin Li, Simulation of avascular tumor growth by agent-based game model involving phenotype-phenotype interactions. 2015, Scientific Reports 5, 17992.
13. Longfei Wang, Hengtong Wang, Lianchun Yu and Yong Chen, Spike-Threshold Variability Originated from Separatrix-Crossing in Neuronal Dynamics, 2016, Scientific Reports (6), 31719.