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时间:2023/12/21 08:24:16作者:点击量:


报告:英国纽卡斯尔,诺桑比亚大学,傅永庆教授 (Prof. Richard Yongqing Fu, Northumbria University at Newcastle, UK)




This talk is focused on piezoelectric film based thin film acoustic wave technology, which have found wide applications in acoustofluidics, lab-on-chip, advanced materials synthesis and renewable energy applications. Flexible and wearable acoustic wave technology has recently attracted tremendous attention due to their wide-range applications in wearable electronics, sensing, acoustofluidics and lab-on-a-chip, attributed to its advantages such as low power consumption, small size, easy fabrication, and passive/wireless capabilities. Great effort has recently been made in technology development, fabrication, and characterization of rationally designed structures for next-generation acoustic wave based flexible electronics. In this talk, advances in fundamental principles, design, fabrication, and applications of thin film based flexible and wearable acoustic wave devices are reviewed. Challenges in material selections (including both flexible substrate and piezoelectric film) and structural designs for high-performance flexible and wearable acoustic wave devices are discussed. Recent advances in fabrication strategies, wave mode theory, working mechanisms, bending behavior and performance/evaluation are reviewed. Key applications in wearable and flexible sensors and acoustofluidics, as well as lab-on-a-chip systems are discussed. Finally, major challenges and future perspectives in this field are highlighted.


傅永庆教授在英国纽卡斯尔的诺桑比亚大学工作本硕阶段在西安理工大学和交通大学学习,在新加坡南洋理工大学获博士学位,英国剑桥大学做博士后,曾在英国爱丁堡的瓦特大学和西苏格兰大学做讲师及副教授。于2015年到诺大做教授。 他在新型智能薄膜材料,微系统器件设计,制备及测试等方面有二十多年的科研经验,研究主要集中在薄膜声表面波器件,形状记忆合金薄膜, 和智能材料的微纳米化在工程、探测和能源的应用。迄今为止,他发表SCI论文超过600篇,著作两部,Google-index为75,总引用次数>25000次. 他是五个国际杂志副编辑或编委, 参与组织国际会议十多次。 


Prof. Yongqing Fu (Richard)

Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST, United Kingdom



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